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by Webmaster on September 12th, 2007
Did you ever have one of those model railroad evenings when seemingly everything works well? At the New England Northern last night I experienced one of those times.
I drew East Deerfield yard as my assignment and the entire session was smooth as could be. I would estimate the performance of the uncoupling magnets and couplers at better than 95%. Any time there wasn’t a magnet available, the ever-popular uncoupling stick worked like a charm. Except for about four minor derailments, I don’t believe I had to put my fingers on a car for the whole night.
From the vantage point of both the East Deerfield yard office and the cab of the switcher, New England Northern purred like the proverbial cat in cream.
Bravo Zulu to the management of the NEN. (Bravo Zulu is Navyspeak for “Well Done”)

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